Collecting Photos

for the starting point of this project i posted on my facebook asking for volunteers. For some of the people i wouldn’t be seeing them before the end of my project so i got their permission to take a photo off of their profile.

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As well as getting the photos off of facebook i took my own photos off those close to me, my immediate family, friends from the school yard, college peers

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Project Proposal

Project Proposal Title: Tapestry of life

Personal Context:

When trying to come up with an idea for this project I was stuck, my personal work is always much better but I struggled so much with the previous project I didn’t know what direction I was going to go in. between college and being a mother I don’t do much, I have no hobbies and hardly ever leave the house, so I had nothing to go on for the project. This is when I realised I wanted to try and gain my sense of belonging. I want to look at everyone around me, my friends, family and acquaintances and hopefully come to the realisation that I’m not as alone as I feel on the inside.


Project Description

Taking all those around me I want to produce multiple portraits of these people using different textile techniques such as the proggy technique, embroidery, image transfers etc. With all these individual portraits I want to assemble them into one patchwork quilt to be presented as a final piece wall-hanging with accompanying photos of me wrapped up underneath it to show that sense of comfort and protection that all the people in my life give me.


Existing methodologies

For this project I will be using a lot of different textile processes that I have already used before. This includes Embroidery, Textile collage, Proggy mat, Screen print, image/heat transfers, screen-print etc. Some of these techniques I haven’t done in a long time so I will need a refresher with the print room technician or through internet research to serve as a reminder on how to do them. For the most part of this project I will need the access to the print workshop at college, this means I will need to use my time at college appropriately so that I can achieve the amount of work that I want. This means I will have to carefully plan out my time so that I am able to gain access into the print workshop room when needed. As this project will require more time at college than at home like the previous project I will have to try come in on my days off when available.


Research Interests and methodology

Over the course of this project I will look into the many different textile techniques so that I can find out what ones I can achieve with my available resources. As for the artists that I will look into for this project I will research the works of Tracey Emin, such as her ‘Everyone I have ever slept with’ piece.



Brown, N. (2006) TRACEY EMIN. London: Tate Publishing

Schoeser, M (2012) TEXTILES THE ART OF MANKIND. London: Thames & Hudson

Thomson, F (1980) TAPESTRY MIRROR OF HISTORY. London: David & Charles


Personal learning outcomes

My learning outcomes for this project are;

  • Learn about the different textile techniques/ processes
  • Use college studio effectively
  • Make use of the different college facilities i.e. print room


Facilities and support

For this project I will need access to the print workshop to produce some of the different techniques. I may also require the wood workshop to make stretcher frames for some of the techniques. The materials that I will require for this project are; Canvas for the base material for most of the techniques. Use of a sewing machine (that I have access to at home) threads, other scrap materials. A camera for taking portraits of the people. The use of a computer to digitally manipulate the photographs if needed.