Art Inspiration – Dali

Salvador Dali is one of my favourite artists as his work inspired me many years ago and I have continued to enjoy exploring and being inspired by his artwork since. One of the main pieces of his work I enjoy and have taken inspiration from is his collaborative film with director Luis Buñuel from 1929 – Un Chien Andalou. I really enjoy the creepy vibe of the film and how all the scenes seem very disjointed yet you can tell there is some sort of story line and order in the chaos to follow.

This film was the main influence to the first film I ever created as part of my Extended Diploma course back in 2013. I wanted to portray the same uneasy feeling you get while watching Un Chien Andalou, to which I feel I conveyed well to the best of my ability.

Lobster Telephone 1936 Salvador Dali 1904-1989 Purchased 1981

Lobster Telephone – Salvador Dali 1936

Another one of Dali’s artworks I really like is Lobster Telephone created in 1936 what I enjoy about this piece is its quirky nature and the fact it is made from found objects, much like what I like to do with my own work. Lobster Telephone was created for british collector Edward James. Dali put the lobster and telephone together to create a stong reaction in people as he believed that the items could “reveal the secret desires of the unconscious”. 

“There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad”

Dali’s paintings where what first attracted me to his work. i really liked the whimsical dreamscapes he creates within his paintings. Dali always has some meaning behind his artwork even if they might not be obvious at first glance. Below are two of my favourite paintings by Dali,  The Persistence of Memory and The Temptation of Saint Anthony.

The Persistence of Memory 1931 Salvador Dalí

The Persistence of Memory – Salvador Dali 1931

The Temptation of Saint Anthony - Salvador Dali 1946

The Temptation of Saint Anthony – Salvador Dali 1946